Sitting Vigil Together


As the trial of Derek Chauvin goes to the jury sometime close to April 20, we, as communities of activists, are watching and waiting. While we know that the outcome of this one trial can’t be any kind of actual remedy for ongoing state violence against Black people in the U.S., we also hold out hope that this time, this time, with this much evidence, someone might be held accountable.

As soon as the trial goes to the jury, members of the Jewish Voice for Peace Havurah Network and Rabbinical Council will be holding space each morning at 8 am. While the jury is still deciding these services will be focused on being activist witnesses for justice, and will be 20 minutes long. On the morning after the verdict, a longer service will be held.

East Coast-time zone services will be led by Rabbi Brant Rosen of Tzedek Chicago, Rabbi Linda Holtzman of Tikkun Olam Chavurah, and Elliott batTzedek of Fringes: a feminist, non-zionist havurah, with support from JVP Havurah Network staff, Melissa Nussbaum Freeman. These will be at 8:00 AM EST. (Click here for the link.)

West Coast-time zone services, at 8:00 PST, will be led by Kohenet Rebekah Erev and Rae Abileah. (Click here for the link.)


Most of us planning and leading these services are white Jews or Jews who live with levels of white privilege, and we want to acknowledge the complexity of this. Dismantling white supremacy is a job white people must take seriously and holding this space is part of our individual commitments to that work.

However, the “we” of Jewish community is not and has never been only white Jews, and this space is absolutely NOT exclusive to white Jews. We know that BIJOCSM Jews, particularly Black Jews, have their own different responses to the trauma of the ongoing murders of BIPOCs by the police, and we want to honor that.

Private breakout rooms for BIPOCJSM will be provided during any of these services. The liturgy we’re developing will center Black voices. Each service will end with time for participants to share actions in their own communities in response to this trial.


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